Welcome to I Matter
I matter is an organization for women of all ages. As a woman, I feel I must help other women on the journey to loving themselves. I want to help women realize that they matter. It took some time for me to realize my worth because of the different things I have experienced throughout my life. My vision is to teach young girls their worth early so that they can avoid a lot of the things I had to go through. The vision of this organization is that women will leave each event with higher self-esteem and truly Loving themselves by taking care of every area in their life. I want to focus on how important they are and the different areas such as their health, spiritual life, finance, career, and so much more. I want to help women realize their worth so they don't have to allow themselves to remain in toxic relationships whether its a romantic relationship, friendship, or their relationship with the family. Most importantly the goal is to teach women who they are in Christ which is very important when it comes to loving yourself. There will be different events that will teach and empower women. The goal is that women will begin treating themselves like they matter and not accepting anything less from others.